Grape Skin Extract

Nans Products is a leading manufacturer and exporter of high-quality Grape Skin Extract in India. Our Grape Skin Extract is known for its rich anthocyanin content, offering a range of applications in the food, beverage, and cosmetic industries.

Grape Skin Extract is soluble in water and water/alcohol mixtures but not in fats and oils. Its color properties are highly dependent on pH levels, displaying a range of colors from red to blue-red, purple, steel blue, gray-green, to dull yellow as pH increases from 1 to 13. Optimal color intensity and stability are achieved at a pH of 1 to 3.5. However, the colorant is prone to oxidation in aqueous solutions and is unstable to UV and visible light exposure.

The extract is more stable in products with high sugar concentrations due to reduced water activity, making it ideal for use in jam, jelly, and fruit canning processes. Spray-dried powders with water activity below 0.3 can remain stable at room temperature for over a year. Low sugar levels in high water content products can accelerate breakdown, and the presence of fructose increases browning faster than glucose or sucrose.

Studies have shown that doubly acylated anthocyanin mixtures, which are more stable to light, heat, and oxidation, are preferable. Sources of these anthocyanins include purple carrot, elderberry, red cabbage, and red radish, which are now commercially available from Nutra Food Ingredients.

Our Grape Skin Extract is ideal for use in water-based acidic beverages, jellies, candy, gelatin desserts, skincare and hair care products, dry mixes, dark chocolate, and cake mixes.

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