Sweet Orange Peels

Nans Products is the leading manufacturer and exporter of high-quality Sweet Orange Peels in India. Our Sweet Orange Peel flakes are known for their wide range of health benefits and applications.

Product Overview:

  • Source: Orange Fruit Peels
  • Botanical Name: Citrus Sinesis
  • Appearance: Grits/Flakes

Sweet Orange Peels are utilized for their beneficial properties in various applications, including:

  • Increasing appetite
  • Reducing phlegm
  • Treating cough and cold
  • Relieving intestinal gas (flatulence)
  • Alleviating acid indigestion (dyspepsia)
  • Treating cancerous breast sores
  • Used as a tonic

For detailed inquiries or to place orders, please contact our sales team. Nans Products ensures stringent quality standards and advanced manufacturing processes to deliver superior Sweet Orange Peel products.

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